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​Saddle Seat

This is a new type of seating for schools. It is fun and playful and engaging but also provides good posture and improved concentration amongst students. 


A slumped posture makes people feel more fearful, hostile, passive and dull due to lower level of physiological stimulus. In later life poor posture can action back issues, slipped discs and more serious diseases such as heart disease, over productive pancreas and colon cancer. Saddle Seat looks to promote good posture from an early age.

The good posture that it offers provides efficient oxygen intake and fluent blood circulation and brings students a more enjoyable and productive school life. 

Saddle Seat also takes into consideration a reduction of manufacturing cost based on existing furniture, decreasing material wastage and carbon footprint in productiontoo. The design consists of three components and the structure is made out of one piece of steel tube without welding. It can be stacked when it is transported. Those elements are essential for its environmental lifetime. Students will be able to enjoy the aging of wooden components and cultivate a sense of care and longevity. 

​material; 19 mm steel tube, birch plywood, oak dowel

Saddle Seatは新しい形の学校用椅子である。子供達が楽しみながら、自然と背筋が伸び勉強に集中できるようにデザインされている。


​また、Saddle Seatは製造過程での素材の浪費、二酸化炭素排出量の削減を考慮している。足は一続きのチューブから成り、溶接を必要としない。また、スタッキングも可能で、輸送コストやスペースを削減できる。

​材料; 19 mm スティールチューブ、バーチプライウッド、オーク

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