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 The MM series are sustainable projects inspired by Michael Marriott when Masa worked at his studio as intern in 2017. He often comes up with his delicate and genuine products from off-cuts or found objects in skip. Transformed new objects holds a sense of humour and elegance as he understands material attributes and thinks outside of box.

 Masa was interested in PVC Pipe in terms of strength and form when he visit a DIY store in London and applied those characters to furniture. MM BENCH is light and moderate size to carry for chill out in garden as well as its durableness. 

​material; ash dowel, spruce, PVC PIPE


​ MM BENCHはホームセンターで見つけた水道管の丈夫さと形状に着目し、家具の接合部として応用した。丈夫で軽く、適度な大きさのため持ち運び易く、日向ぼっこにちょっと庭先に持って行って楽しめるベンチである。

​材料; トネリコ、トウヒ、塩化ビニル管

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