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 The MM series are sustainable projects inspired by Michael Marriott when Masa worked at his studio as intern in 2017. He often comes up with his delicate and genuine products from off-cuts or found objects in skip. Transformed new objects holds a sense of humour and elegance as he understands material attributes and thinks outside of box.

 Masa used off-cuts and cork sheets for MM Tray which were left over after Michael's projects.  Cork sheets is a good natural friction material for tableware friction and appropriate size of handles make users feel solid comfort when they carry dishes on it.  

​material; off-cuts, cork sheet


​ MM TRAYは彼がプロジェクトで使用したコルクシートや木材の端材を用いた。コルクの摩擦は食器の滑り止めに、しっかりとした把手はお盆を持ち上げ運ぶ際に安心感を与えてくる。端材ながら、毎日使うのが楽しくなるデザインに仕上がった。

​材料; 端材、コルクシート

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